Generator Software Upgrades - An Important Aspect to Keep Your Generator Running Smooth

Generator Software Upgrades - An Important Aspect to Keep Your Generator Running Smooth
Generator Software Upgrades - An Important Aspect to Keep Your Generator Running Smooth

The purpose of most generator sets is to provide a reliable source of power to your Home or Commercial facility during an emergency situation when power from the grid is suddenly lost or is not available in your environment. In the event of a power failure, you should have peace of mind that your backup power source will kick into action at a moment's notice. But what happens when the power goes out and your genset does not function as expected? The result can often be costly and sometimes catastrophic.

Kohler products will offer software upgrades to the controller on your generator.  Warranty does not cover software upgrades unless there is a problem with the controller.  The update can be done by the homeowner if desired (see this link). CRG technician will update the software with the latest version if available during the yearly PMA (Preventative Maintenance) process at an additional cost. There will be a picture taken to show what version was originally on your controller and an after picture with the version that is now in your controller. 

About CRG Electric LLC

With more than 30 years combined experience CRG Electric has set the standard for dependability. When you purchase and install a genset at your home or business you should be confident that it will work properly. When you rely on CRG Electric for your generator maintenance, you are provided with certainty that your generator will start up and work to its fullest potential.  Our aim is to make sure our customers have excellent equipment (either new or used) that is reliable.  For more information contact us today.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at (734) 757-4308.

Charles R. Guisgand Jr.
Owner, CRG Electric LLC

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About The Author: CRG Electric
CRG Electric LLC

We pride ourselves on service, reliability, and customer satisfaction. The business was started in 2009 with one truck and two brothers with a dream of owning their own business. Half our business is generator sales, installation, and maintenance, the other half is electrical service. CRG Electric has a total of 26 Employees and 15 service trucks. We take pride in taking care of our employees in order to have the best team there is out in the field to take care of your installation and service needs.

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